多様なジェンダーについて学び、深めるためのオリジナルサイト 「Let’s Talk Gender」をオープン
ジェンダーやセクシュアリティについて理解するためのキーワードやQ&Aを紹介 性のあり方が多彩な10名のインタビュームービーも公開

(English follows Japanese)

Tinderは、多様なジェンダーについて学べ、深めることのできるオリジナルサイト「Let’s Talk Gender」を、2023年4月3日(月)に公開しました。







Let's Talk Genderサイトの企画・制作にあたっては、エディター・フォトグラファー・ライターとして活動している中里虎鉄さんやライターの大谷明日香さん、イラストレーターのAdaさんなど、LGBTQ+当事者を編集スタッフに迎え、当事者からの視点を大切にし、一緒にサイトを作り上げました。このサイトを通して、ジェンダーに対する活発な対話が生まれ、より自由で、より多彩な出会いについて考えるきっかけを届けたいと考えます。


※1 2022 年 Tinder の会員登録データ

※2 2023 年1月21日から2月7日にかけて、米国(1000人)、英国(1000人)、オーストラリア(1000人)、カナダ(1000人)の 18~25 歳のアクティブに交際している独身者 4,000 人を対象に、OnePoll が Tinder に代わって実施した調査



人の出会いは無限です。どのような相手でも、相手の価値観や個性、考え方を尊重して、お互いにリスペクトのあるコミュニケーションを築いて欲しい。そのような思いを胸に、当事者の方々と一緒にこのサイトを作りました。Tinder は、すべてのメンバーが自分らしさに誇りを持ちながら、新たな可能性を広げる出会いへの扉を開くことができると信じています。たくさんの人との出会いの中で、あるいは自身について、ジェンダーに関して戸惑いを感じたり、疑問が生じて立ち止まってしまった時、ヒントを見つけにこのサイトにきて欲しいと思います。

「Let’s Talk Gender」では、ジェンダーやセクシュアリティ、ロマンティックについて、より深く理解するためのキーワードを紹介するほか、日常生活で起こりうる身近なシチュエーションを題材にしたQ&Aをまとめ、ジェンダーに関して戸惑いや疑問が生じて立ち止まってしまった時、解決のヒントとなるような情報を掲載しています。また、サイト内では性のあり方が多彩な10名によるインタビュームービーも公開。「性のあり方を探求することってどんなこと?」や「あなたのアイデンティティや身体についてどこまで聞いていいの?」などの質問に対する、十人十色の多様な考え方を紹介します。







顔や身体の特徴、性格が人それぞれに違うように、性のあり方や表現方法についても、皆それぞれ異なります。ここでは、他者のジェ ンダーやセクシュアリティについて、より深く理解するために必要な知識をキーワードで紹介します。





















性のあり方が多彩な10名に、ジェンダーやセクシュアリティ、マッチングアプリに関するインタビューを実施。「性のあり方を探求することってどんなこと?」や「あなたのアイデンティティや身体についてどこまで聞いていいの?」などの質問に対し、色々な人たちの意見や体験談を自由に語ってもらいました。このインタビュームービーはTinder Japanの公式SNSでも発信して参ります。https://www.youtube.com/@TinderJapan




































中里虎鉄 / Kotetsu Nakazato(They / Them)

「性のあり方を探求することは本来幸せなことであるべきです。まだまだ生きづらさを感じることが多い世の中ですが、このサ イトが新たな人や自分との出会いの手助けに少しで もなれたら嬉しいです。」

1996年、東京都生まれ。編集者・フォトグラファー・ライターと肩書きに捉われず多岐にわたり活動している。雑誌 『IWAKAN』を創刊 し、独立後あらゆるメディアのコンテンツ 制作に携わりながら、ノンバイナリーであることをオープンにし、LGBTQ+関連のコンテンツ監修なども行う。



Ada (She / They)
双子座。ジェンダーフルイド。オーストラリア・シドニーで生まれ、日本の横浜で育つ。自身のメンタルヘルス疾患の闘病生活の経験から、ボディポジティビティやセルフケア、ジェンダーについてのイラストレーションやグラフィックデザインを手掛ける。iStock by Getty Images のコントリビューターとしても注目される。 西洋占星術とタロットに精通。

大谷明日香 / Asuka Otani(She / Her)

「知識や言葉を得ることは、人によっては自分自身が抱く違和感や疑問に応えてくれる術となったり、より良いコミュニケーションのサポートに繋がることもあると思います。このサイトで知ることが、自分や誰かと繋がる際、心地よい関係性の一歩になれば嬉しいです。」 株式会社kokodear / Creative Studio koko代表。広告代理店でプロデューサー兼プランナーとして活動後「REING」を立ち上げ、独立。国内外の企業のクリエイティブ開発から、コンテンツ企画制作などを行う。広告クリエイティブの制作過程において多様な視点が取り入れられる場と、どんな性のあり方を持つ人でも働きやすい環境づくりに取り組む。

西田優/ Yu Nishida (He / Him)





Tinderでは、 2019年にアメリカでLGBTQ+の差別撤廃を目指す平等法(the Equality Act)の成立を支持し、メンバーにも意志表示を呼び掛けるなど、LGBTQ+の権利拡大と多様性を尊重する姿勢を様々な形で表明してきました。







Deepening Gender, Sexual and Romantic Orientations  together with Tinder.

Original guide to learn and deepen understanding of gender

Tinder’s “Let's Talk Gender" launches!

Introduces keyword definitions and Q&A to understand gender and sexual orientation

 Testimonial movies with 10 persons with diverse sexual orientation and gender identities


On April 3, 2023, Tinder Japan launched "Let's Talk Gender," an original online guide which provides learning and deeper understanding of diverse genders..


How do you perceive your own sexual orientation? What kind of people do you feel attracted to or sexual interest in? There are many labels, and which one you choose to express yourself is entirely up to you. You can choose, remove and change them. Diversity is free in every way.  More than any other generation, 18-25 year olds, who make up half of Tinder members are self-aware, open and fluid about gender, sexual orientation and dating. LGBTQ+ members are a fast growing group on Tinder, and members aged 18-25 that identify as LGBTQ+ on Tinder have more than doubled in the last 2 years.*1 In fact, 33% agree that their sexuality is more fluid and 29% say their gender identity has become more fluid in the past 3 years.*2


Tinder offers “Sexual Orientation and More Gender” features that allows members to choose their own sexual orientation and gender identity to be displayed on their profiles. In the "Sexual Orientation" section, members can select up to three of the nine sexual orientations: straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, asexual, demisexual, pansexual, queer, and questioning.

Members can also choose to have the app display the gender which they feel is closest to them.


As the world's largest dating app providing people with various encounters and new connections, Tinder built this guide to provide correct knowledge, terms and tips related to gender and sexual orientation that arise when meeting new people. In creating this guide, we brought together a team of people who are sexually diverse or are strong allies of the community, such as Kotetsu Nakazato, a video creator; Asuka Ohtani, writer; and Ada, illustrator, valuing the perspectives of the community.  We hope this guide will start an active social dialog about gender and help people to think about more free and more diverse encounters.


*1 Tinder member registration data 2022

*2 A study of 4,000 18-25 year old actively dating singles conducted in the US (1000), UK (1000), Australia (1000) and Canada (1000) during the period 21st Jan 2023 to 7th Feb 2023 conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Tinder


Everyday we continue to evolve to reflect the diversity and values of our members, creating a safe and inclusive space to connect for all sorts of possibilities. Tinder has been supporting communication among people by enhancing features to allow members to express themselves in their own way while welcoming all people and encouraging connections that break down barriers, such as “Sexual Orientation and More Genders” that allows members to choose their own gender and display their sexual orientation on their profiles.


There are no limits to new encounters. We want everyone to respect the other person's values, individuality, and way of thinking, and to build relationships with respect. With this in mind, we have created the online guide together with the people who are sexually diverse or are strong allies of the community. If you’re ever confused or have questions about gender of yourself or of others, we hope you will use this guide to find some hints.


“Let's Talk Gender” introduces keywords and terms for a deeper understanding of gender and sexuality. The Q&A part summarizes familiar situations that may occur in our everyday life and provides tips that will help you resolve any questions you may have about gender.


The site also features video interviews with 10 persons with diverse sexual orientation and gender identities. There are many ways of thinking about questions such as “What is it like to explore sexuality?" and "How much can I ask you about your identity and your physical sex characteristics?"



“What gender are you?”

“What kind of people do you feel attracted to or not attracted to?”

As face or body characteristics and personality are different for each person we all have different sexuality and ways of expressing ourselves.

Here, we introduce the knowledge necessary to gain a deeper understanding of the gender and sexuality of others.




“If you don't know the other person's sexual orientation, how can you know if they like me?”

“The other person's gender pronoun (how to call the other person) What should I do if I use a wrong word?”

Q&A on situations that may occur in our everyday life will help you resolve any questions you may have about gender.





Special Testimonial movies

We interviewed ten young people of diverse nationalities, ages and sexual identities about gender and dating apps.

We asked them to freely share their opinions and experiences in response to such questions as “What is it like to explore sexuality?" 

"How much can I ask you about your identity and body?"  This interview movie will also be posted on Tinder Japan's official SNS.






























Kotetsu Nakazato, Content Director (They, Them)

 “Exploring sexuality should be a happy thing to do. In a world where we still often find it difficult to live, I would be happy if this site could help people to meet new people and yourself.” Born in 1996. Photographer, editor, art director, radio personality, etc.,  continue to express themself  in various fields. Kotetsu also edits and produces the magazine IWAKAN published by Creative Studio REING. They share their experiences and thoughts around their own gender and sexuality.



 Ada, Illustrator (She/They)

“Our society needs a matching apps that teach us how to respect others who are different from yourself in gender and sexuality. I was very happy to be able to create the illustrations for this project!”

Gemini. Gender Fluid. Born in Sydney, Australia and raised in Yokohama, Japan. Her experiences with mental health illness led her to create illustrations and graphic designs about body positivity, self-care, and gender. iStock by Getty Images contributor. They are proficient in Western astrology and tarot.


Asuka Ohtani, Writer(She /Her)

"I believe that gaining knowledge and language can help some people to find answers to their own questions, and it can also support better communication. I hope that what you learn from this guide will be a step toward a comfortable relationship when connecting with yourself or with someone else."


Representative of kokodear Inc. / Creative Studio koko.Formerly  producer and planner at an advertising agency, she launched "REING." Her work ranges from creative development for domestic and international companies to content planning and production. Thrives to create a place where diverse perspectives can be incorporated into the production process of ads and expressions, and an environment where people of various genders and sexualities can work comfortably.

Yu Nishida, Interviewee (△△△/△△△△)

“The timing to find out who you truly are varies by person.  By respecting the difference of yourself and others, we can expand on our possibilities of encounters. I am very happy to be able to participate in this wonderful initiative that will surely trigger something for someone out there."


Born in 1990. Director and photographer. Works extensively in advertising, music videos, and documentaries. Based on their own experiences, they create works with themes of fluctuation, universality and diversity.


《Tinder® with LGBTQ+》

Tinder has expressed its support for the Equality Act, which aims to eliminate LGBTQ+ discrimination in the U.S. in 2019, and has called on our members to express their support, and has expressed its commitment to expanding LGBTQ+ rights and respecting diversity in various ways.